A blog about living with major depression disorder. Sharing what life is like when depression clouds your world. Providing coping skills and information about depression and treatment. Creating a community for people to share their lived experiences. A place for people to come together and learn and heal. All are welcome.

Monday, October 16, 2023

Cancer’s Foe

            I am not feeling well today.  It has been a difficult few days.  So, I will let this poem I wrote last week during chemo treatment speak for me.  It is about chemo and how it is at war for me.  Chemo is my best chance at living.  I trust that it is doing its intended job even as it makes me feel like crap.  

            Hopefully, I’ll feel better by Thursday and will write a longer post.



Cancer’s Foe


A needle pierces my skin,

Making way for the tubes that will

 Carry a healing poison into my body.

Killer cancer cells have made a home inside my body.

The healing poison dripping into me is cancer’s foe.

Attempting to kill the cancer before it can kill me.


Cancer’s foe weakens me,

Makes me sick.

Despite the toll it takes on me,

I am ready to fight.

Cancer’s foe leads the attack.

I do my part.

Allow my doctor to guide me.

She orders cancer’s foe to go on the offensive.


The battle is in full motion.

At times I am weakened.

I need help to keep up the fight.

I have battle scars,

The side effects of cancer’s foe.


Cancer thought I was an easy target,

Thought it could take away my life, 

But it did not count on cancer’s foe.

Cancer underestimated my will to live.  

It didn’t know my doctor had a weapon.  


Cancer’s foe leads my fight.

I may not win all the battles,

But I will win the war.







  1. Keep up the fight.

    1. I plan on it. Thank you.

  2. Perfect description of the battle against cancer. Keep fighting, Meg


Pulling Yourself Out of the Darkness

                   Usually, people who do not live with depression do not realize how difficult it is to pull yourself out of a dark place. ...