A blog about living with major depression disorder. Sharing what life is like when depression clouds your world. Providing coping skills and information about depression and treatment. Creating a community for people to share their lived experiences. A place for people to come together and learn and heal. All are welcome.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Semicolon – Continue Living

                  The other day was World Semicolon Day.  Let’s look at what the semicolon represents.  In grammar a semi-colon represents a sentence an author could have ended but chose not to.  From a mental health perspective, the semicolon represents a continuation of life, a decision to keep moving forward and not giving up.  

                  The use of the semicolon in association with mental health was started in 2013 by Amy Bleuel.  She selected the semicolon as a symbol of hope.  She intended for it to be a symbol of hope after her father died by suicide.  The semicolon is a representation of persevering in the face of mental illness. She founded Project Semicolon. Bleuel stated, “In literature, an author uses a semicolon to not end a sentence but to continue on.  We see it as you are the author, and your life is the sentence.  You are choosing to keep going.”  Bleuel battled mental illness herself and died by suicide in 2017.  She left the legacy of the semicolon to help others.  

                  The idea behind the semicolon is that your story isn’t over.  That is Project Semicolon’s reminder to people struggling with mental illness.  Even when you struggle with self-harm and suicidal thoughts, your story isn’t over.  Many people get the semicolon tattooed on their wrist as a reminder that their life isn’t over, that it is worth fighting for.  

                  As someone who has lived with self-harm and suicidal thoughts since my teenage years, the semicolon has become significant for me.  It is a reminder to keep fighting the thoughts.  It is a reminder that my life is worth living.  As a writer I understand the use of the semicolon.  That strengthens its significance for me.  When I see a semicolon whether on a tattoo or on a social media post, I am reminded that I can fight mental illness.  I can pause and then keep going.  

I am not trying to trivialize the mental illness fight.  The semicolon itself is not enough to stop a person from dying by suicide.  Rather, it serves as a reminder that continuing your story is possible.  The semicolon can provide a pause that allows a person to receive help.  

                  I have thought about having the semicolon tattooed on my wrist.  I am too much of a chicken to sit for the tattooist needle, though.  I do have a bracelet with a semicolon on it.  Maybe someday I will go through with the tattoo. 

                  Symbols are powerful.  The semicolon is a symbol of hope.  When a person is living with suicidal or self-harm thoughts, it is difficult to break that train of thought.  Sometimes words are too much.  A symbol, such as the semi-colon, can be the image that interrupts the thoughts even if just long enough to get help or step away from whatever was going to be used for self-harm.  The reminder to keep living is vital.  Mental illness is powerful.  We need reminders that we can live with mental illness.  

                  The semicolon also serves to raise awareness about mental health.  It can be a discussion starter.  I have seen it frequently on social media.  Every time it sparks discussion.  For every person that learns about the semicolon, awareness about the seriousness of mental illness is raised.  That is what we need, increased awareness.  Bringing mental illness into discussions will lead to normalizing treatment for mental health disorders. It will make it easier for a person to choose to get help. 

                  The next time you see a semicolon, take a moment to think about its meaning.  Think about how difficult it can be for some people to keep their story moving forward.  That will help you understand that self-harm and suicidal thoughts are symptoms of an illness.  The semicolon is a reminder that we each have a story to live.  The story needs to keep going.  Use a semicolon to pause, when necessary, but then continue your story.  



  1. I learn sometime new every time I read your blog. I've seen people with a semicolon tattoo and I thought it was snake bite tattoo, Thanks for straightening me out. I think you should get a tattoo.

    1. Thank you. I might just get that tattoo.


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