A blog about living with major depression disorder. Sharing what life is like when depression clouds your world. Providing coping skills and information about depression and treatment. Creating a community for people to share their lived experiences. A place for people to come together and learn and heal. All are welcome.

Monday, March 25, 2024

A Safe Place for Healing

    As I have shared often, writing is healing for me.  Sometimes I write at night while I struggle with the insomnia brought on by depression.  At these times I usually write in my journal, filling the pages with thoughts and poems.  During the day I find that I need to write especially now that I am unable to work due my cancer diagnosis.  I can’t just sit at home and stare at the television or nap.  I know that it is good for my depression for me to get out of the house.  That leads me to the point of today’s post, having a comfort zone, a place that feels safe.  For me that place is the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, more specifically, store number 138 on Mednick in East LA.  I love to sit here and write.  Writing is healing for me and sitting at this Coffee Bean adds to that healing.

I have been writing at this Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf for several years.  I used to show up at 5:30 am and write before I would go to work.  I would sit there and write poems.  I was always very productive on these mornings.  When I walked in the baristas would greet me.  Often, they would start my drink before I even ordered.  I’d chat with them a bit.  It was a comforting start to my day.  It was also my escape from the depression driven insomnia that plagued me.  I would have been there earlier if they had been open.

I think having a place to spend time writing has been healing for me.  Feeling comfortable here allows me to let the darkness in my mind escape through writing.  I can just write without being reminded of the loneliness I feel in my house.  I feel connected to people even though I sit by myself.  The important thing is the environment.  The smell of coffee wafts through the air.  I hear people talking, laughing.  I can pretend I am not alone.  This allows me to get lost in my writing and it somehow lifts my depression.

                  Most of all five of my books were written in this Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. Now, I write my blog posts and work on my next book here with a caramel cold brew next to me. I feel comfortable here.  My writing flows.  The words have a freedom to fill the page of my journal or the document on my computer screen.

Struggling with depression makes being in public places difficult, but this place is a haven for me.  The baristas are always kind.  I chat with most of them. After I was diagnosed with cancer, I couldn’t come in to write and drink my coffee.  I was gone for a few months as I underwent chemotherapy.  I missed my writing spot.  I missed the baristas.  I lost the comfort of my favorite writing place, the spot that lets me block out the depression.  

                  Most of the time I was receiving chemotherapy I stayed at my aunt’s house in Santa Monica.  It was not possible to hang out at my Coffee Bean because of the distance and the fact that I had to protect myself from illness. On one of the rare days I was at home, my friend came to this Coffee Bean and ordered my drink.  She told the barista it was for me and that I was fighting cancer.  The barista knew she was talking about me and bought the drink for me.  That drink tasted so good.  It also made me feel good that I hadn’t been forgotten.  

It is strange to have a connection to coffee place, but because my depression keeps me from socializing a lot, this place is my social connection.  I believe we all need a place where we feel safe.  A place where our illnesses do not matter.  When I was able to return to sitting here daily, the baristas remembered me and my drink order.  I felt welcomed back.  I have resumed my daily writing practice.  My next book is well underway, a product of sitting here with my cold brew.  My blog posts get written while I am sitting here.  I am productive despite my illnesses as I sit at this Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf.

I would mention some of the baristas by name, but there are so many who have impacted me with their kindness over the years, I don’t want to miss anyone.  I have spent so much time here.  Sitting here is one of my strategies for coping with depression. I truly believe it helps me cope with my depression. Having a place that feels comfortable, a place where I feel connected allows me to stand up to my depression.  My depression can rest on the sidelines while I sit here sipping cold brew and writing.  

It seems strange that I am writing about a place in my depression blog. The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf has provided me with a space to cope with my depression and to continue healing from my cancer.  I believe sitting here writing is a part of my healing. I know that the time will come when the cancer gets worse, and I will not be able to sit here and write.  I will have to return to chemotherapy and keep myself out of public places.  Until then, I will sit here in my comfort zone and write.  I plan to finish my next book while I sit here.  I hope that the blog posts I write here attract more readers and help people.  Everyone needs a place where they feel comfortable and find healing. The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf is that place for me.  Thank you to everyone at store 138!

My intention in writing this wasn’t just to give a shout out to the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf.  I want to encourage people who are living with mental illness to find their safe space, a place where they feel comfortable. That place is going to be different for everyone.  You might even have more than one place.  For example, sometimes I need to walk on the beach. It is important to identify places where you feel comfortable because being trapped at home can make your mood worse.  I’ve shared my place. I encourage you to find your place.  












  1. They should have you in a commercial! “Healing in a Coffee Cup” or “Cold Brew- Medicine for the Soul”. We can work on the pitch!

  2. You are very aware of your safe place, a wonderful place to retreat and charge your body and soul. Mine is my garden!

    1. A garden is a beautiful place to find comfort.

  3. It’s so wonderful that you have a safe place. So many don’t, and we should cherish it if we are that fortunate. I totally get how the team gets accustomed to you, your offer, you writing there. I would bet that it’s comforting for them to see you sitting there, writing, too.

    1. I’m grateful to have this Coffee Bean.

  4. Thank you for the kind words. I’m grateful for this Coffee Bean and all of the baristas.


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